Myn Tûke Vent v.d. Jabolkeshut
NHSB | 3112693 |
Geboren | 22-02-2018 |
Vererft | Zwart en Geel |
Uitslagen | |
HD | A |
ED | Vrij |
Ogen | Vrij, dd. 11-10-2023 |
prcd-PRA | Normaal |
EIC | Normaal |
RD/OSD | Normaal |
HNPK | Normaal |
Show | 1x Uitmuntend, 1x Zeer Goed |
Eigenaar | Simone Visser Driekoningenweg 3 7075 DX Etten Gld 0618953021 |
Richbourne Play It Again | Richbourne Starplayer | Jayncourt Star Turn at Sandylands |
Richbourne Shooting Star | ||
Richbourne Time Flies | Aroscas Time Will Tell | |
Lenches Graceful of Richbourne | ||
Skôtsje Fan My v.d. Jabolkeshut | Sennas Rugo of the Work Fellows | Fairywood’s Aquarius |
Mocca’s Senna of the Work Fellows | ||
Holterhook Take A Chance On Me | Holterhook Jamiroquai’s Falling | |
Dunya De Apporteur |