Our Beautiful Star of Storm’s Legacy
NHSB | LOSH 1173808 |
Geboren | 21-08-2015 |
Vererft | Zwart |
Uitslagen | |
HD | A |
ED | Vrij |
Ogen | Vrij, dd. 30-09-2021 |
prcd-PRA | Normaal |
EIC | Normaal |
HNPK | Drager |
Show | Meermaals Uitmuntend |
Eigenaar | Sabrina Cools en Evy Gebruers Kloosterbaan 82 2370 Arendonk (Belgie) +32496088908 brien-cools@hotmail.com https://dogtailofaeagle.jouwweb.be/ |
Lab’SPB Russian Standard | Gateway’s Nothin’ But Trouble | Julsby Hey Good Lookin’ |
Gateway’s White Dove | ||
American Dream for Lab’SPB | Dickendall Davaron Gable | |
Arcabaleno Curious Girl | ||
Tickled Pink By Ic of Storm’s Legacy | Gentle Spice of Maidens Heritage | Lab Treasure’s Bentley |
Caithlins Lola of Maidens Heritage | ||
Halcyon Momo of Maidens Heritage | Clanross Rollercoaster To Mollymount | |
Devonhill Doxa of Maidens Heritage |